These are images from a screen printing I'm trying to do for a t-shirt. My lovely sister bought me a screen printing kit for Christmas and I'm now trying to figure this all out. My first attempt was to paint screen filler over an image of RR, but only the first swipe worked out.
This is an photo emulsion method using a b&w copy placed onto a treated screen. You treat the screen with the emulsion chemical until it dries and then put the stencil under a light for a bit. For a bit would mean over four hours, not including putting in a new screen. This project is great for anyone who demands instant gratification. Really, it is.
Actually, it's a bit exciting. When the time was up for the exposure, I didn't see anything there until I started to spray the screen. The pressure made the stencil show through and gave a little "woo hoo!"
Now I'm just worried that I got the emulsion too wet and it won't stick. Hey-sooos, this is some kind of flagellation artwork or something....