Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holiday placemats

A rainy weekend leads to a bad photo.

I had originally started Dresden plates for these placemats, but didn't like the look of them. I also nixed the table runner because I didn't like the composition of the trees. All of the fabric has been thrifted and I'm thrilled to have finally used my Christmas stash.
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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We don't own placemats, so paper towels had to do.

The step chair was quite sought after at my grandma's. Come to think of it, it's her table and apple pattern plates too!
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Monday, November 3, 2008

Pop's quilt: Nothing fancy

Pop's quilt: Nothing fancy
Originally uploaded by bacaorr

I started this last January and just finally fished it out of the to-do pile last week after it started to get chilly.